
Mr.P.K.Rajendran who hails from kerala, is a post graduate in English Literature from Osmania University, Hyderabad. He has made his active presence in the educational scenario of Kurnool for the last twenty years. He believes that every teacher has a divine mission in this world to develop the best that is latent in children and to encourage the child to explore and revel in the joy of learning. Having worked as principal of Residential School in Ravindra Group since 1998, he has close association with the group in integrating educational technology and its range of application throughout the classroom in an attempt to improve the quality of education. As Principal of Ridge School he envisages learning as a natural process that values questions above answers, creativity above fact, and individuality above conformity and excellence above performance. He endeavors to lead his team in Ridge School to make an environment where learners remain seekers of knowledge, motivated by curiosity and growing sense of wonder to cultivate healthy attitude and traits in order to blossom in the air of trusted independence.