Admissions for the academic year 2020-21 open for Grades I to IX :
Finding the right school is all about finding the right environment for a child and we at RIDGE strive with the same goal in mind. Admission in our school is open for Grades I to IX, irrespective of caste, creed, race, region or gender.
Parents seeking admission are requested to download the registration forms (along with the acknowledgement slips wherever necessary) under the respective links. Parents may submit the duly filled-in forms at the school with the following documents and collect the Information Booklet.
Copy of Birth Certificate
Copy of last 3 years academic progress report from the previous school
The completed registration form along with all documents will be accepted at the school Reception on all working days between 10.00 am and 5.00 pm from 1.2.2020
A large number of parents are seeking admission to our school. We would like to inform every parent that we have very limited seats available for all the classes. Admission will depend upon the vacancies likely to arise on account of withdrawal of any student.
To have an effective teaching learning process, we maintain limited class strength. Considering the limited number of seats available, it is expected that those who seek admission will realize and understand the constraints the institution faces. The disappointment of not getting admission should not become a matter of unhappiness among parents.
Admission is finalized based on the performance in the written admission test conducted. Normally some classes will have no vacancies at all.